Aubrey de Grey is the Chief Science Officer of the SENS Research Foundation. He is most notably known for his ongoing efforts to defeat biological aging. He is confident that the first people to reach 1,000 years of age, are already alive.

“(Dr.) de Grey is hardly just another fountain-of-youth huckster. His it-might-work ideas are based on existing, published, peer-reviewed research. He thinks more like an engineer than a scientist. If even one of his proposals works, it could mean years of extended healthy living.”
—Paul Boutin, The Wall Street Journal
There will come a time when life expectancy increases at a rate which advances beyond that of the rate in which we age; for every year that passes, life expectancy will increase by one year. This tipping point, or often called, “longevity escape velocity” is, on average, by optimists, estimated to be 20 years from being reached. Aubrey de Grey prefers not to set dates to his prediction, but he does believe there is a 50/50 chance that he will still be alive when we reach longevity escape velocity.
Of course, when we reach longevity escape velocity, essentially we will be immortal. Aubrey de Grey though does not like to be thought of as trying to achieve immortality, for that is not his endgame. He states that he is “working to postpone the ill-health of old age, which will probably have the side-effect of extending life, but it’s no more than that, a side-effect”. But yes, he skips around the “side-effect”, but what he is trying to achieve is simple: Indefinite, healthy lives, where we can always feel and look like 20-25 year olds.
As you may have deduced with sight of his incredibly long beard, de Grey is a magnet for controversy. Don’t let his unprofessional styling though make you think of him as another one of the crazies. He is highly respected in his field (not the crazy field); the one from where mass amounts of progress is made towards curing the disease of aging.
Check out this video below, about the importance of his work.
SENS stands for ‘Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence’. It is a non-profit organisation that, among other things, funds projects intended to cure aging. It’s focus is on the development of rejuvenation biotechnology; the basis for medical therapies that can reverse degenerative aging. Click here to view more methods of achieving immortality.
Whether or not you agree with de Grey’s optimism, his work is valuable; we need more efforts on the part of biologists and technologists to end the disease of aging as soon as possible.
But what will the effects of our indefinite life spans have on the planet? Will it not be a logistical nightmare? We will run out of space for us all? There won’t be enough food? All of the thinkable problems have very simple solutions, which will be worked through as we move forward. For a brief look into the problems, you can read our central page about immortality.
For more information about the work of Aubrey de Grey, check out the book to the right.
Stay connected with our website for news about the solutions. Upcoming technological breakthroughs will incomprehensibly change our world within 50 years. Our traditional ways of thinking blind most of us to the upcoming possibilities. Stay with us and we will show you what is really possible!
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