Jason Silva is a performance philosopher and film maker. We have featured him on our website as a ‘respected person’. This means that we have came to the conclusion that his opinions about future technological advances are worthy of being taken seriously. Continue reading to find out more about him and his inspiring work.
Jason Silva’s work has been featured by Forbes, Wired, The Economist, Vanity Fair, and many others. His videos have been viewed by millions on YouTube.  When watching his videos, the reason for his popularity becomes obvious. Silva effortlessly inspires the mind to leap from the box that contains it; viewers that allow their imaginations to be sparked, will watch his videos in owe. Jason can barely even contain his own excitement while pondering our existence and the bordering incomprehensible possibilities of the near future.
While he does not have that ‘scientist’ kind of look or persona, which may make some sceptical of his controversial theories, those theories are based on the opinions of experts in the relevant fields. Check out one of his latest videos below.
Find out more about the six epochs of evolution, here.
Jason Silva is certainly one of the most optimistic about the future. Optimism is quick to be labelled as naivety by critical thinkers. At That’s Really Possible, we also have a fair amount of optimism. This optimism though is in light of future security concerns; we understand that humanity has many problems to deal with before we achieve the wondrous things that are promoted possible by those such as Jason Silva. We therefore promote ideologies which we believe are paramount for our future evolution and survival. For an example, view our article about religion.
Silva’s ideas should not be dismissed simply because of his optimism, they should be embraced as picturing the ideal future of humanity. They are our goal, they are our reason for cooperating with our neighbours in the quest for mutually beneficial achievements.
Check out more videos below by Jason Silva about what is possible in the near future.
Find out more about the possibility of immortality, here.
The Singularity
Find out more about the upcoming singularity, here.
Find out more about transcension, here.
For more about Jason Silva and his work, check out his website at thisisjasonsilva.com. You can also check out his YouTube channel and follow him twitter.
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