The real possibility of immortality is first responded to with shock, then by rejection, and then by some, fear. Here we explore why people say that they would not want to be immortal, and why, when faced with real immortality, they will embrace it with euphoria.
In our main immortality information page, we explain how immortality will likely be achieved within 30 years. Currently, we spend our lives with our end in sight – we have mastered how to come to terms with our ‘inevitable demise’. Some of us find peace in believing there will be an afterlife, others believe in reincarnation, and others just see it as an eternal peaceful sleep. With that pre-programming, we are reluctant to change our whole beliefs systems and get our hopes up that we will never die here in the life we already live. We then pack our heads with illogical reasoning for why we would not want to be immortal… so as to allow us to be content with death.
Perceived tiredness of life
With our end in sight, consciously, subconsciously and physically we grow tired, and convince ourselves that death is a good thing because eventually there will come a time when we are warn out. I propose that the mental tiring of life, only happens because we see our life expectancy as only being 70-80 years.
For example, if you were on a 2 hour plane journey, when your plane lands, if you were told that you had to now do that journey another 10 times before you get off, you would be devastated; you would likely say “no way, just take me home”. Yet, on a 20 hour plane journey, after 2 hours, you will barely be tired or bored, you would still be settling in.
The point is, on a journey, we subconsciously set the endpoint and map our entire thinking around that timeframe. This is partly why older people are more likely than younger people to say they do not want immortality. Older people have spent more time coming to terms with death and mapping their thinking around its approach.
Actual tiredness of ‘life’
I have wrote ‘life’ like this, because what I am actually talking about is repetition. People see the repetitions of their current lives as the be all and end all of what life is. This is not the case. The future is full of infinite changes, we will talk about this more later. People often say that they will not like to live forever because, for example “I will have to do the dishes FOREVER?”, or “I will have to do my job FOREVER?”. Nobody would want to live forever if nothing ever changed. But that is not our future. This is another reason why older people are more likely to not want to live forever; they are more tired of routine than the young.
Physical tiredness
Again another reason why older people more often say they would not like to live forever is because their bodies have become tired. If you ask them if they would like to have the body they had when they were 20, they would jump with a yes. And with that body, I’m sure they will not like to die as soon as they did when they were in their old bodies. In the near future, our bodies will be forever young.
The world will only get worse
I have often seen, in comments for articles about immortality, people saying that they won’t want to live in our “evil world” forever. They basically say that the world is destined to fail, that we are simply damaging our planet and don’t deserve to live on it. This is of course due to pessimism. All I can say is, it is up to you to create the future you want to see.
Plus, another common first reaction when considering immortality is saying that we will overpopulate. This is untrue. You can read why in our article about why overpopulation will not happen.
The heartache of lost loved ones
This very much relates to people coming to terms with their impending deaths. They have it set as a possibility (or certainty, if they subscribe to certain religions) that when they die, they will be reunited with lost loved ones. They perceive the heartache as being something that they could not forever live with, but they actually just think that because of the ‘perceived tiredness’, as spoked about above. I say, why want to leave other loved ones that are still alive? You will simply cast your suffering onto others. We can end that suffering for new generations.
Why you want to be immortal
If you are reading this already knowing that you want to become immortal, you will probably already know that our future is a wondrous place. If you know little about what the future holds, but already want to be immortal, you are most likely below the age of 40 and are greatly inspired to explore life. Whatever your age, you are a motivated person, who loves life and wants to not only live it, but also contribute to its improvement.
If you do not want to be immortal, then I believe it is for the reasons explained above; and you don’t yet know the possibilities held by the future. The reason you want to be immortal, is because of infinite possibility. Nobody is left uninterested by the thought of possibility, the thought of what’s next? What’s over that hill? You will always know what is next, and you will always know it while you have a fully functional youthful human body. The future holds our ability to even transcended our bodies; it holds the discovery of life on other planets, and the potential discovery of our creator and the reason for our existence. You have the power to create your absolute paradise, why risk losing it all in a blind leap of faith to death.
Remember, immortality doesn’t mean you need to live forever, just that you don’t need to have your life taken from you by your ageing body.
What do you think?
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